Fjord Control

The department that always looks after your system.


Remote Operation Centre

In addition to Fjord Hybrid we have developed Fjord Control, a system that provides customers at all times with a full overview of all the technical activities at the breeding facility while at the same time collecting environmental data.

This is all monitored by the Remote Operation Centre.

If a fault develops, whether in our system or the customer’s equipment, our systems will detect this and we are able to take immediate action to prevent any downtime in our customers’ production. We are active partners.



In order for us to be able to help our customers to achieve their emissions targets, we need to collect data.

The Remote Operation Centre is responsible for all climate data collection. We analyse the data we collect and turn it into knowledge.

Digitalisation of operational data is vital in order to optimise operations and further reduce energy consumption. This will allow us actively to work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions over time. This will allow us actively to work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions over time.

In the end, the result of the job we do is that we can prepare automated emission accounts, thus ensuring that our customers are always in control of emissions.


Our specialists work proactively to maintain safe, sustainable electricity production. Our status and alarm function safeguards availability for our customers.

In order to ensure that we deliver in these areas, we use digitalised solutions that allow us to troubleshoot, correct and update software.

This enables us to ensure that we eliminate possible challenges. In turn, this allows us to adjust, optimise and correct the systems remotely.


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With all our deliveries, we undertake to take care of the systems from start to finish. This also involves performing a number of activities over the course of a year.

Over the course of 12 months, our Remote Operation Centre will carry out an annual service, quarterly technical review and continuous energy optimisation.

This ensures that our customers get 100% from their systems at all times.

Read more about how we work together with our customers!

Fjord Control-app

Fjord Control app In the middle of the first quarter, we will be launching the Fjord Control app for our customers. This will be available online and on mobile phones.

The Fjord Control app is a control system that provides our customers with a situation overview of all energy consumption at the breeding facility.

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